
Movies, Books and a Knit

So I noticed that I left out a very important obsession of mine out of my previous post, and that is my love of books and movies. Of course, I can't leave out the fact that these are two of my all-time favorite things to spend time doing: reading and watching movies. I will watch pretty much any movie - with a few exceptions... who in their right mind would ever want to watch, for example, RV or even Norbit? Books I'm more discriminatory about, but then again instead of wasting 2 hours of my life, I'd be wasting at least 10 hours, depending on the length of the book of course.

All this to say that I am really looking forward to Friday as that is when Quantum of Solace is being released! I am really excited about this movie, not only because I felt that Casino Royale was one of the best Bond movies ever made, but also because let's face it, Daniel Craig is an awesome awesome Bond. The ruggedness, the cockiness, the learning to become the smooth and charming Connery Bond. It all comes together beautifully. I am also excited about seeing it on Friday as DH and I will go to Rosa Mexicano afterward and I am a big big fan of their frozen pomegranate margaritas. I plan on getting at least a little bit drunk while discussing the awesomeness of Craig as Bond. Really, who could ask for a better Friday night?

To keep up with the title of my blog, I wanted to share with you my latest knitting project, a pair of fingerless gloves. I'm actually making this a little too late because winter is coming along and then it will be too cold to wear them... they might have to wait until Spring to make their debut. Regardless, I really love how they are turning out and the Peacock blue is such a great color, though the flash washed it out a bit. It's a little darker IRL.


  1. You're off to a great start, Lina. (Add a d and you've got my name!)
