
New Year's Eve is here!

So it's one day before the New Year starts and I thought I should get one last post in before it's 2009. My Christmas was pretty good, though not great. The food I cooked with DH's help was great, spending time with my husband and sister was wonderful, but considering that I was actually in pain for the majority of it, kind of made it not so great. I did try to overlook it, though. :) As for why exactly I was in pain, well, on Christmas Eve I headed over to Payard's to pick up one of their AMAZINGLY good Buche de Noel for our Christmas dessert and decided, in the interest of saving some money, to take the subway back home. Well, wouldn't you know it that of course with all the snow and rain I slipped on the stairs going down to the subway (note: I was wearing snow boots, not some slippery leather shoes or anything) and fell, sitting, with all my weight on my tailbone. I can't even begin to describe the excruciating pain. Seriously, seriously painful. To cut to the end of the story, I wound up with a bruise about 8 inches in diameter with a very large contusion (basically swelling the size of an orange) in the middle of it. It's been a week now but the pain is still completely there and the swelling is now the size of a kiwi instead of an orange, so it is getting better. The doctor says it's still going to take another 2 weeks for it to feel any better, though... isn't that wonderful? Blegh. So annoying! You never realize how important something like a tailbone is until you hurt it. It not only hurts to sit, I can't lay down on my back AND I limp when I walk since the contusion is stretching my skin and hurts when pulled so I can't extend my knee all the way when taking a step, thus the limp. Basically, I can't sit, lay down or walk. Standing is okay, but after a while it hurts too. It's a lose-lose situation. In order not to be too depressing though, I'm trying to look on the bright side of things and the bright side is that I was able to save the Buche de Noel from getting wounded during the fall and it really was incredibly delicious, LOL!

The other bad thing from this injury came from the fact that it was very difficult for me to knit... I was finally able to get cracking again about 2 days ago and now i have two other projects finished, plus my sister's sweater dress is blocked and dry - after a week! So, I have some new projects to share with you all before 2008 is over... yay!

First up, my sister's sweater dress which really was a complete PAIN to make. This pattern was absolutely horrible to work with for me, and I don't even know why because it's a really simple pattern... just not well written at all. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure there's no way in hell I'm ever going to do another Twinkle pattern. Just not worth the time and sweat spent on it. It did end up looking pretty good, though, and my sister is absolutely going gaga over it, so I guess it was worth it for that... just don't ask me to repeat it!

Sweater Dress - Finished!

Sweater Dress - Finished!

For hubby, I made Jared Flood's Habitat hat, which I just love! It looks amazing and I'm all set to make another 2 for my cousins. I wouldn't say it's an easy pattern at first with all the different cabling going on, but as soon as I memorized all the cables, it became quite easy. Anyway, here it is, still blocking but looking very good, if I do say so myself. I hope to get some on-his-head shots sometime this week.

Beanie/hat for hubby

Beanie/hat for hubby

And one detail shot:

Beanie/hat for hubby

And just for fun, another neckwarmer... the last one in the Christmas gift series, and I do LOVE the buttons on this one... they look really cool in the light too. I still will make another 2 of these, one was a request and the other is for me. I'm still not sick of this pattern, though maybe you guys are, LOL!

Neckwarmer IV

Neckwarmer IV

And the cool button:

Neckwarmer IV

Now I'm gearing up to actually start making some non-Christmas related projects... too bad I still have 3 gifts left to do! I'm really looking forward to my non-Christmas knitting as I have some really yummy yarn and projects lined up.

Hope everyone had a great holiday, and that your New Year is everything you hope it will be! Happy New Year!!!


Christmas at my house

So Christmas has finally arrived at our apartment. I only say this because we finally made our way to our storage space - yes, we have to rent storage space... space is limited in New York! - and took out our Christmas boxes, which included all the ornaments and the Christmas stand so we could FINALLY get a tree and put it up!

I love it! It's one of my favorite trees that we've gotten as a couple, in fact. We've lived together 3 years now and the first Christmas tree was too small - really it was so short, it looked strange - the second year was a little too closed up so it was hard to put ornaments in it but this one is perfect... or close to! Having a Christmas tree in the house just makes me happy. I'm not sure if it's due to childhood memories (we had one of those fake white ones... yes, we were awesome!) or just the idea of Christmas in the winter, curling up in a blanket with a glass of wine... or hot chocolate! Since the first decade and a little more of my life was spent in a summer Christmas (I'm from Brazil), I just love the actual cold Christmas. Probably due to movies and being brainwashed into thinking that's what a Christmas SHOULD be, but I still buy into it. In either case, winter and a Christmas tree always puts me in the holiday spirit! :)

Christmas tree

My sister came over to help me with the ornaments, as she does every year, and this year she brought with her an early Christmas gift for me. Isn't it ADORABLE??? She even has on a knit dress and cap. Too cute!


Hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season!


Wacky weather, teaching, work and Christmas knitting

EDIT: For some reason some of you have had problems posting comments with the word verification thing... I changed my settings now and hope you won't have a problem anymore. Let me know if you do!

The weather has been so insane around here! We had snow on Saturday night/Sunday morning - it was a high of 30 during the weekend and on Monday. Then today it was 47 degrees and now tomorrow is supposed to be 60! I have no idea what is going on, but it's really annoying to have to be switching around between winter and fall clothes. At least now I get to wear my fingerless gloves some more. So yay! for that.

So along with crazy weather, I've been dealing with students every single day. This is my first time ever TAing, and it's already more work than I had expected! I get about 6-10 e-mails a day from students and professors and the class only has 25 people in it! At least I only have another week and a half of it and then I'm done. In the meantime, work's been crazy busy, my boss is out of the country for the next 3 weeks, and pretty much out of touch as well, so if I have any problems, I'm going to have to either hope to figure it out by myself or wait and put my project on hold. Not that I have any time to SPEND on my project with the TAing, but a girl can dream, can't she?

In more pleasant news, I'm excited about getting a Christmas tree this weekend (woot!) and about my Christmas knitting as it's coming along very well! I have started my sister's sweater dress. I'm waiting for some circular needles to come in so I can start the body, but the sleeves only took me a total of 1 hour or so to make, so I think it should be a pretty quick knit, which is oh-so-helpful now that Christmas is near.

I have finished the Koolhaas hat for my stepdad and hubby was nice enough to model it for me:

I really like how it turned out, and I really want to make one for myself... of course I'll wait until AFTER Christmas to do this! The orange is just the right shade of orange, too, I think. I love it! :)

So then I decided to start on my neckwarmer knitting. I'm making a total of 4 of them for Christmas this year - one for my sister (yes she gets one AND a sweater dress... she deserves it), one for my friend, my sister-in-law and my brother-in-law's girlfriend. Since it only took me one day (!) to knit this up, I'm pretty confident that I will be able to get it done on time. It's a great pattern, and I love how it turned out. I did mess up on the scalloped edge because I mis-judged the button placement of the center button and it's a little skewed to one side vs the other. I don't think it's that noticeable at all, though, and I know my sister won't mind!

Swirl Neckwarmer I - Finished!

Swirl Neckwarmer I - Close up

Swirl Neckwarmer I

Oh and the buttons are awesome no? I got them from an Etsy shop. They are handmade porcelain buttons! And, of course, I now want one of these neckwarmers for me! Yet another project to be left till after Christmas...

And just to prove that Kubrick really DOES love to get into every picture, here he is (just his paw) stretching up on me - I was kneeling on the floor. Yes, he is a silly pup!

Swirl Neckwarmer I

Hopefully the next post will have my Christmas tree in it... I hope we can get it Friday night. :)


Welcome to the Holiday Season

The Holidays have finally arrived! The lights are up all over the city and Fifth Ave is just gorgeous, as it is every year! We're getting ready to set up our Christmas tree and my wardrobe consists of primarily coats, scarves, hats and gloves. Yup, it's winter! But the number one reason I know the holidays have arrived: I've been knitting up a storm and the gift countdown is on! My list is pretty long and I'm not sure how many gifts I will be able to finish, but hopefully enough so I don't feel like too much of a procrastinator!

I actually have finished one item so far, but I did start it last August (haven't worked on it since August, LOL) and just needed to do the last 20% of it or so, so I guess it's not TOO much of an accomplishment. It's a baby hoodie and it actually is NOT done, I still need to buy buttons for it! I'm hoping to get the buttons this weekend and be 100% done with it (notice the sleeping Kubrick on the bottom left corner... he always wants to be in a picture! haha!):

I like how it turned out overall, though we'll see how it looks on the nephew! :)

Next up, I'm working on a hat for my stepdad. It's the Koolhaas hat, and I'm really loving it so far! I need to make more of these hats for sure, they are SO nice! And, yes, it's orange, haha!

And finally, not Christmas Gift-related, but something I just HAD to share because as soon as it arrived, I started to drool. Drool, I tell you!

It's Tilli Tomas' Rock Star. 100% silk with glass beads. Just AMAZING to the touch. This one will be for ME... I'm too selfish to give this away after knitting it up! Close up:

Anyone jealous? ;)

Good luck to all the rest of you on your Holiday knitting!